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Nazeing Glass 3

All images ©2007 Nazeing Glass Ltd

N.B. Not all glass is by Nazeing, additional data to follow, please let us know if you can identify any.

Nazeing Glass Baskets

Nazeing Glass #31 additional data to follow

Nazeing Handle posy vase at right.

Nazeing Glass

Nazeing Glass #32 additional data to follow

Centre item is a bookend.

Clear vase unknown maker?

Nazeing Glass
Lamp base Nazeing - The pink lamp base is not a sphere form as in the catalogue 16/1 (see page 85, G Timberlake). I was lucky enough to buy an interesting bubbled version from this source and saw this piece as well. The example here has sloping "shoulders" giving the base a squat appearance, and really should not be considered a variant of 16/1, which is far more of a sphere form - and larger. What you can't tell from the photo is that the neck under the fitting is different from the norm, being thick-walled, curved and taller (mine is pre-fitting). Hence the unusual fitting for Nazeing. (Nigel Benson).

Nazeing Glass #33 additional data to follow

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