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c 1970’s Staff Handbook of John Moncrieff Limited |
The pagination has been kept along with the basic layout. With thanks to Colin Mayor, former Director, John Moncrieff Ltd. |
John Moncrieff
Limited Employees’ Handbook |
ForewordThis booklet is intended as an introduction to John Moncrieff Limited. Do please read it carefully. I am sure that whether you have just joined us, whether you have been with us for many years, or whether you just wish to find out a little more about John Moncrieff Limited, you will find it both useful and interesting. The booklet tells you something both of the history of the company and its present day role in the industrial community. It also sets out certain minimal rules which have been found necessary for the mutual benefit of all members of staff. Conditions of work are good and personal relationships are pleasantly informal. So very few rules are needed. I am sure you will help to maintain this happy situation. To those of you who are joining us for the first time, we are pleased to say “Welcome to John Moncrieff Limited.” We want you to feel that you are an essential member of our company and we hope you will spend many happy, interesting and challenging years with us. |
Name of CompanyJohn Moncrieff Limited Telephone (0783) 22311 Financial StructureThe company is a member of the Hopkinsons Holdings Group, which currently employs around 4000 people. The Group consists of: Hopkinsons Ltd, Huddersfield The policy of the holdings group is to allow subsidiary companies, to a large extent, to manage their own affairs. Board of DirectorsJ A Fuller, BSc{Eng), C Eng. FI Mech E, M InstF |
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Company BankersMidland Bank Limited Number of Employees
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The Company is located near the centre of Perth which is a pleasant city generally known in Scotland as a gateway to the Highlands. It is a city of 40,000 inhabitants with excellent recreational facilities including golf, fishing, tennis, etc. It is also situated in some of the most beautiful countryside in the UK. The factory is on the North side of the City. St Catherines Road is a turning off the main A9 Perth to Inverness road.
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There is a car park, with ample space for visitors’ and employees’ cars, located at the north side of the factory building. Access is obtained from St Catherines Road. It is regretted that in the interests of safety, no person can, at any time,
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be permitted to park their car inside the main factory gate. We would also remind visitors and employees of the no parking restriction currently applying in St Catherines Road. Cars are parked at owner's risk.
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The Company was formed over 100 years ago initially to manufacture ink. The shortage of bottles led to a diversification into the field of producing ink bottles and it is in this way that the Company first commenced glass manufacture. At that time the Company also manufactured and sold glass bottle making machines. Eventually the Company decided to concentrate on the manufacture of heat resistant glassware for industrial and laboratory applications. Because of the considerable expansion of the industrial side of the business, laboratory glassware is now gradually being phased out.
The Company is well known throughout the world for its range of high pressure sight and gauge glasses. We also manufacture a wide range of specialised items including coffee jugs for coffee dispensing machines, miner's lamp glasses, glasses for the lighting industry
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and vacuum flask inners. We would define ourselves as manufacturers of engineering glassware to precise specifications in borosilicate heat resistant glass. A wide range of skills are employed to produce these products including glass blowing, pressing, grinding and tube drawing. Approximately 35% of the company's production is manufactured for export. Important markets throughout the world include Canada, USA, Australia, France, Belgium and South Africa.
The Company can be broadly categorised into three divisions — production, finance, marketing.
Production includes the operation and maintenance of our new continuous melting furnace, grinding shop facilities (which are probably superior to anywhere in Europe) and a new modern plant to house the supply of butane fuel.
Finance includes office administration, book-keeping and management accounting.
Marketing covers selling, advertising, distribution, warehousing, stock control and market research.
The Company is a small company, however, and the functions considerably overlap in such a way that a close working relationship between all members of the staff results.
The Company adhere as closely as possible to a policy of promotion from within the Company and have an excellent record of new recruits making rapid progress along the management ladder. Most of the Works Foremen are trained instructors in glass working techniques. The policy of the Company is to help everyone to achieve the greatest possible effectiveness in his or her job. To this end formalised training programmes are prepared for entrants into the Company. Most of the skilled craftsmen now employed were taken on as apprentices within the Company.
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The Company gives full support to social activities including indoor soccer, fishing, etc., and regular dinner dances are organised by and for employees.
The Company has an excellent safety record which it wishes to maintain. The following rules protect both the Company and its people:
1. Always report an accident or injury immediately to your superior.
2. Never fight or indulge in horseplay.
Such conduct endangers yourself and others and interferes with the work in hand.
3. Keep gangways and passages free from obstruction at all times. This could be very important in the case of fire.
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4. Goggles should always be worn when there is risk of injury to eyes.
5. Floors that are free from hazards (eg oil, water, nails, broken glass) are the ones least likely to cause a serious accident.
6. Never take risks or ignore safety rules. These rules are for the protection of yourself and your fellow employees.
Hours of work for shift workers change over a three-weekly cycle as follows:
Week 1 Mon. to Fri. 6.00 pm to 2.00 pm
Week 2 Mon. to Thur. 1.45 pm to 10.00 pm
Fri. 1.45 pm to 9.00 pm
Week 3 Mon. to Fri. 10.00 pm to 6.00 am
Each shift includes a half-hour paid meal break.
Hours of work for day workers are 8.00 am to 12 noon and 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm (or as agreed departmentally) with a morning break of 10 minutes.
Office hours are 8.45 am to 12.45 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
There are three weeks and one day paid annual holiday together with eight statutory holidays.
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If you have any grievance or problem relating to your employment, you should raise it with the foreman of your department or immediate superior. If the matter is not settled, works employees should follow the grievance procedure as agreed between the Company and the General and Municipal Workers’ Union — a copy of which may be inspected in the Company Secretary’s office. Other employees should raise the matter with the Company Secretary.
Do not be absent from work without prior permission from your supervisor, except in the case of sickness or other cause beyond your control which prevents prior approval being obtained. In the case of sickness or other necessary unforeseen absenteeism always arrange for someone to telephone the Company and inform your supervisor as soon as possible. This is both a Company rule and common courtesy which will enable the work programme to be re-arranged to cover your absence. A medical certificate must also be presented in the event of absence through
sickness for three or more consecutive days.
It is against the rules to be habitually late or absent, this disrupts the flow of work, causes inconvenience and puts extra work on your team-mates.
Under no circumstances must you clock on or off the clock card of another employee.
In the interests of both yourself and the Company, always notify the Pay Office or the Company Secretary of any change in your permanent address.
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Employees are not permitted to make private outgoing telephone calls via the Company switchboard unless prior approval has been obtained from their supervisor. Similarly, private incoming calls should also only be received in the case of an emergency.
Works employees who have been employed for 13 weeks or more are required to give one complete week’s notice of termination. Staff employees must give two weeks’ notice after two years’ service and four weeks’ notice after five years’ service. The Company’s obligations are as follows:
Less than 2 years’
service 1 week’s notice
2 years or more but
less than 5 years 2 weeks’ notice
5 years or more but
less than 10 years 4 weeks’ notice
10 years or more but
less than 15 years 6 weeks’ notice
15 years or more 8 weeks’ notice
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