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Electric Light

by Frank Andrews

These pages are a record of a collection that I built up in the 1980's to research a book on the history of Electric Lighting. The book was only partly completed and will appear here in time. My area of interest was the developement of the bulb from; an expensive luxury 1900-10, developements leading to the modern bulb 1900-1920, Refinement and social impact 1920 onwards.

This book is an advanced draft, it still needs a good edit, and does not cover the technical aspects in any depth. Some chapters are little more than working notes. I had intended to collaborate with another collector who was going to provide the technical chapters but we lost contact and the project ground to a halt. I am not an expert on the technical side and most of my knowledge will be found in these pages - I would welcome any criticisms of my efforts which will be fully acknowledged alongside any corrections. I did not annotate the text with source references but all are listed in the bibliography and acknowledgements pages.

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