Some Monart Glass 1
Where available for purchase, prices are given in € (euro's)
M0001 Monart footed vase.
Shape: TB.
Size: 164mm.
Colour: (162) Red, black & aventurine. Partial label.
Perfect condition. Good example of this scarce colouring.
Red is fairly scarce and many examples exhibit changing colour due to imperfect temperature control. In general the less orange the better!
€ 1,250
M0002 Monart Cloisonne vase.
Shape: C.
Size: 220mm.
Colour: Blue on white, surface decorated.
Perfect condition.
This actual piece is illustrated in Ysart Glass Plate 102.
€ 4,250
M0003 Monart ewer with applied foot and handle.
Shape: Special non catalogue.
Size: 305mm.
Colour: Green, black & aventurine.
Perfect condition and an exceptional rarity.
Foot is surface decorated.
Private collection
M0004 Monart vase.
Shape: MF.
Size: 196mm.
Colour: Turquoise blue with multicoloured (Pink, green, lilac, yellow & blue.) dragged whorls.
Perfect condition.
Private Collection.
M0005 Monart lidded box.
Shape: YH.
Size: 91mm.
Colour: (160) Green/black & aventurine.
Perfect condition.
Private Collection.
M0006 Monart Paisley Shawl vase.
Shape: N.
Size: 242mm.
Colour: Surface decorated on clear, red, white & blue with a good iridescence.
Perfect condition.
A superb example in a fairly rare colouring.
Private Collection.
Click on image for more views.
M0007 Monart bowl/vase.
Shape: X.
Size: 130mm.
Colour: Green with multicoloured (Yellow, blue & lilac.) pull-ups.
Partial label. Perfect condition.
Probably an early piece and decorated in a style more usually found in stoneware pieces.
Private Collection.
M0008 Monart plate.
Shape: YE.
Size: 200mm Diameter.
Colour: Smoky pink with deep purple, green, lilac and aventurine.
Perfect condition.
€ 450
M0009 Monart ashtray.
Shape: ZH.
Size: 92mm Diameter.
Colour: Shades of blue & lilac.
Private Collection.
M0010 Monart bowl.
Shape: JC.
Size: 270mm Diameter x 130mm high.
Colour: (70A) Blue, green & yellow-green with random bubbles.
Original label IV.JC.70A.
Private Collection.