Various Glassmakers |
New material is always welcomed. Scottish Glassmakers are welcome to send in some images of their work along with their story. |
Scotland's Glass & Glassmakers | |
Scotland’s Glass | Separate site - Early stage of a big project! |
Scottish (based) Glassmakers | |
Lindean Mill Glass | Contemporary glass artists. |
Perthshire Paperweights, Jay Glass, Caithness. | |
Denis Mann - Engraver | Caithness, Independant. |
John Airlie - Kirkhill Glass | Independant (More info needed?) |
Twists Studio Glass - Mike Hunter | Perthshire Paperweights, Lindean Mill, Independant. |
Dunc Smith - Glasscraft | Perthshire Paperweights, Independant |
Caithness Glass Co Ltd | Paperweights and Glassware. |
Unknown artist Oban? | Can you help identify this girl? |
David Hurry | Paperweights and Glassware. (Now in Norway) |
Dave Moir - Master Glassmaker | Vasart, Strathearn, |
Scottish Glass Related Persons (Not makers) | |
Betty Reid | Dispatch Clerk John Moncrieff Ltd |
Ian Turner | Glass Researcher and Author |
Non Scottish Glassmakers | |
Puzzle, can you help? | Snake Glass? Jules Lang & Co. resolved. |
Siddy Langley | Contemporary glass artist. |
Sklo Union 1945-1989 | Czech Sklo Union Glass 1945-89 by Marcus Newhall 2006. |
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