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Moncrieff’s Gauge Glass from Jenkins Bros 1933 Catalogue

Moncrieff Glass / Jenkins, Label 1

Jenkins Brothers were a US manufacturer of Valves, Mechanical Rubber Goods and US agents for Moncrieff Scotch Gauge Glasses. The following price lists for Gauge Glasses is from 5 pages taken from their 1933 catalogue. Jenkins took over the agency for Moncrieff from Rogers in 1925 and continued until c.1939.

Jenkins Brothers were founded in 1864 in Bridgeport, Connecticut and in 1933 they also had another manufacturing plant in Lachine Canada.

Moncrieff Glass / Jenkins, Label 2


Enamelled Red Stripe, Superimposed

For Steam Pressures up to 400 Pounds

Moncrieff Gauge Glass Monamel

Fig. 793 – Code: ABWVT
Price per Dozen

Length Inches







8 8.28 9.72 11.52 14.64 17.04
9 9.12 10.92 12.72 16.44 19.20
10 10.04 12.12 14.28 18.24 21.36
11 11.28 13.44 15.60 20.04 23.40
12 12.24 14.64 17.04 21.96 25.56
13 13.08 15.84 18.60 23.76 27.72
14 14.28 17.04 19.80 25.56 29.76
15 15.24 18.24 21.36 27.36 31.92
16 16.08 19.44 22.80 29.16 34.08
17 17.40 20.64 24.00 31.08 36.24
18 18.24 21.96 25.56 32.88 38.28
19 19.20 23.16 27.12 34.68 40.44
20 20.40 24.36 28.32 36.48 42.60
21 21.36 25.56 29.76 38.28 44.76
22 22.20 26.76 31.32 40.20 46.80
23 23.40 27.96 32.52 42.00 48.96
24 24.36 29.16 34.08 43.80 51.12
30 30.48 36.48 42.72 54.72 63.84
36 36.48 43.92 51.12 65.76 76.56

To ascertain the list price per dozen: Glasses longer than 36", multiply the list price of the 12" size by the length required in feet. No allowance is made for fractions of a foot. Lengths not regular, charged at price of next longer tubes of same diameter.



With or Without Prisms

Moncrieff Gauge Glass strip 1

Fig. 788 (With Prisms) – Code: ABWUZ

Moncrieff Gauge Glass strip 2

Fig. 789 (Without Prisms) – Code: ABWVA


Price Per Doz.
Fig. 788
or 789
Inches M/M
Inches M/M
Inches M/M
0 16.44 3 3/4 or 95 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
1 19.44 4 1/2 or 115 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
2 21.96 5 1/2 or 140 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
3 25.56 6 1/2 or 165 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
4 28.68 7 1/2 or 190 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
5 32.28 8 5/8 or 220 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
6 35.88 9 7/8 or 250 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
7 40.20 11 or 280 1 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
8 44.40 12 5/8 or 320 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17
9 48.72 13 3/8 or 340 l 5/16 or 34 5/8 or 16 to 17

The above are normal dimensions, with a tolerance of 1/32" or 1mm. These glasses can be made to special dimensions. When ordering glasses in unlisted sizes, give maximum and minimum dimensions.

Asbestos Fibre Gaskets and Pads for Prismatic Gauge Glasses carried in stock. Price on application.


Moncrieff Gauge Glass Panels

Fig. 790 – Code: ABWVE

Length Inches

Width Inches

Thickness Inches

Price Per Dozen

Length Inches

Width Inches

Thickness Inches

Price Per Dozen

6 1 1/4 3/8 12.84 8 1 13/16 13/32 16.44
6 1 3/4 3/8 13.44 8 1/2 1 1/4 1/4 17.04
6 1 13/16 3/8 13.80 8 1/2 1 1/4 3/8 17.64
6 1 13/16 13/32 14.04 8 1/2 3 3/8 23.76
6 1/2 1 13/16 13/32 15.84 8 9/16 1 5/16 9/16 34.68
6 31/32 1 9/32 3/8 15.00 8 3/4 2 5/16 18.00
7 1/2 1 1/4 1/4 14.64 9 1 1/4 3/8 18.00
7 1/2 1 1/2 11/16 32.28 9 1 3/4 3/8 18.00
7 13/16 1 7/16 5/16 15.84 10 1 1/4 3/8 19.80
7 15/16 1 3/16 3/8 16.44 11 1 11/32 11/16 45.12
8 7/8 1/4 14.64 11 2 3/8 5/8 46.92
8 1 1/8 1/4 15.24 11 3 1/2 5/8 53.64
8 1 1/4 3/8 15.84 13 7/16 2 1/2 1/2 52.44

Some use a gauge glass guard requiring a “protector slide” or “protector plate” of glass. The above list covers the sizes most frequently used. Other sizes can be made on receipt of specifications. These glass slides are specially toughened to withstand severe shocks, a quality advantage which will be greatly appreciated in glasses used on a locomotive.

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